We Want to encouragE You with Biblical truth that makes a lasting impact.

Counseling Services

At Harmony, we believe there is always hope! We understand that there are times in life where you just need a helping hand. We want to come alongside you to encourage you with Biblical truth that will make a lasting impact.

We have a number of biblical counselors and pastors equipped to help you walk through your situation.

For more information, please email us: counseling@harmonybiblechurch.org



GriefShare is a scripturally based outreach to anyone who has experienced the deep hurt of loss. Be encouraged in knowing that God loves you, cares about you, and is the source of all true hope & healing. GriefShare is an opportunity to comfort others with the same comfort you have received from Him in your loss.



If you've experienced the deep pain and confusion of divorce, DivorceCare is a ministry that reminds you of God's care and faithfulness. He loves you with an everlasting love. He will provide for all your needs; He is the source of all blessings and joy.

Lay Counseling

Are you interested in becoming a Lay Counselor? Let us know here!

Sundays - 10 AM CST