HARMONY STUDENTS EXISTS TO MAKE DISCIPLES through intentional relationships, centered on God’s Word.

To the New Student

We’re so glad you’re checking out Harmony Students and we hope you’ll introduce yourself to the Student Ministry Pastor at your campus, too!

Please fill out the brief info form; we’ll use this to keep you in the loop on upcoming events and share weekly information regarding student ministry. Note: Parents and students can each fill out the form.


What’s Happening in ‘24-25


2024 Fall Special Events
8/28: Fall Rhythm begins
11/1-3: High School Retreat (In-house)
(11/27 and 12/25: No Student Ministry)

2025 Spring Special Events
1/5: Blacklight Dodgeball @ Burlington
1/8: Winter/Spring Rhythm begins
3/28: Blast @ Danville 
4/2: All In Student Commitment Night

sermon SERIES

1&2 Peter
All Nations: PRAY, SEND, GO!
All In
Image of God

Medical Release

Parents: Please complete a permission form with medical release for each student participating in youth trips and activities between August 2024 and August 2025.

Meeting Times & Locations

Weekly Student Ministry gatherings for 6-12 graders are on Wednesdays from 7–8:30 p.m. at all three Harmony campuses. At these gatherings, we worship, hear from a Bible teacher, spend time discussing the lesson in small groups, and have a lot of fun! Our goal is to disciple students to become more like Jesus and build lasting community.

Student Ministry Staff

Kacey Reid

Assistant Pastor of Danville Student Ministry

Jeremiah Landon

Fort Madison Worship Leader and Assistant Pastor

Kyle Noll

Assistant Pastor of Burlington Student Ministry

Coleman Reed

Assistant Pastor of Student and Community Ministries (Fort Madison Campus) 

Sundays - 10 AM CST