Harmony Bible Church, COVID-19 Updates


FEBRUARY 5, 2021, 2 P.M.

View our current COVID-19 Guidelines in the PDF linked below.

December 3, 2020: SERVING OPPORTUNITY!

We have a great opportunity to partner with our communities in this season! Burlington Community Schools will be using our Maple Leaf facility (904 Maple St, Burlington, IA 52601) for students who need help with their virtual school work. We need your help! Volunteers are needed Mondays–Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. to help with tutoring. This begins 12/7 and will follow the school calendar until future notice.

Can you help? Contact Matt Shinn (mshinn@cityhopefoundation.org) or fill out an interest form today below. Any days you’re available would be a great help!

NOVEMBER 18, 2020, 4 P.m.

The COVID-19 Update video we released last Thursday was focused on addressing our gatherings on Sundays, specifically including Children’s and Student Ministries. The video did not expressly address what is expected of other groups or ministries that gather throughout the week in Harmony’s facilities. We will expound on that in this short statement. 

For the time being, if your group or ministry is meeting in any Harmony facility, we ask that all age-appropriate parties involved wear masks if:

1. Your group meeting takes place in a confined space (i.e. a classroom); and
2. Your group is unable to be socially distanced. 

The two primary reasons Pastor Chris gave in the video for our decision to require masks for our Children’s and Student Ministries would apply to these other close-contact situations as well. Those two primary reasons are as follows: 

(Direct quote from the 11/12 video transcript:) 

“First, we’ve made this decision because COVID cases have been rising dramatically in our area, and we believe we should take extra precautions to help slow the spread. ... Second, current health department rules regarding an unmasked exposure in a confined space, such as a children’s classroom, require the exposed individual to be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days. ... However, if everyone in a confined space is masked, then exposed individuals are not required to quarantine.” 

If you would like these points further explained, please view the full video transcript under the November 12 heading.

NOVEMBER 12, 2020, 11:50 a.m.

Please take time to watch this video from Pastor Chris Carr as he brings us further clarity on Harmony's response to the pandemic and related issues like masks. Please help us keep our church family informed by sharing this video with others! A transcript of the video is linked here as well.

NOVEMBER 6, 2020, 3:05 P.m.

Please watch this important update from Pastor Chris Carr concerning COVID-19 and new procedures we'll be implementing beginning this Sunday. Once you listen, please share it with other Harmony families! Thank you!

aUGUST 20, 2020, 12:30 P.m.

Today, Pastor Chris Carr is bringing us an update concerning our continuing reopening plans regarding Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights. Please take a few moments to watch this, and please share with other families so that everyone can stay informed and be on the same page with our plans moving forward!

In short, this fall we are going to attempt to establish a robust, adult small group ministry, strengthen our Sunday morning Children’s Ministries, and move all of our Student Ministries to Sunday evenings. We’re going to focus on ministering at our campuses on Sundays and ministering in our homes and our various communities throughout the rest of the week. Watch the video on Facebook or Vimeo for further explanation!

JULY 30, 2020, 3:30 P.m.

Watch this short update video from Pastor Chris Carr about the next steps in our reopening! Please also take a moment to complete this short survey. https://harmonybiblechurch.churchcenter.com/people/forms/155633 As fall approaches and we consider what to do about Wednesday night activities, we are looking for input from our church body. 

JULY 2, 2020, 8:00 A.m.

Pastor Chris is here with another important update on our reopening! We’re going to continue to move forward with phase 2 of our reopening, but instead of eliminating social distancing, we’re going to take what we might call a modified social distancing approach. Be sure to give the video a listen to see what this will look like!

Service times:
Burlington: 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.
Danville: 10 a.m.
Fort Madison: 8:45 and 10:45 a.m.
Online and radio: 10 a.m.

JULY 1, 2020, 8:20 A.m.

Harmony families, please watch the video below from our Children's Ministry Director to hear updates and details about our Sunday options for children, along with precautions we'll be taking moving forward.
Don't forget that our Sunday service times are going back to our pre-COVID schedule this Sunday, July 5! Check out the video to see what this means for kids.


JUNE 24, 2020, 1:30 p.m.

Beginning July 5, we’ll return to our normal service schedule. After much consideration, we’ve decided it’s time to return to normal as much as possible, so we will not social distance at these services. We’ll still follow rigorous sanitation procedures before and after all services. The one exception to this is in regards to children’s ministry. Watch the video to learn more, and listen to the end to hear Pastor Chris' pastoral challenge.

JUNE 8, 2020, 12:55 p.m.

In today's devotional, our Pastor of Counseling Ministries, Matt Yaley, is bringing us a word about how God creates all people in His image and likeness.

JUNE 5, 2020, 9:05 a.m.

Take a look at the video below to see what to expect when you join us for a service this weekend, and be sure to read our Reopening PDF above if you haven't yet.

If you filled out the Survey a few weeks back, we had you let us know which service/campus you would typically attend in order to give us an idea of what service capacity would be like when we reopened. From the survey responses and the high percentage of people deciding to join us in person, we changed and added service times for the month of June at that time. That being said, feel free to attend any service at any location, no matter what you said on the survey! Service times can be found in the Reopening PDF above. We look forward to seeing some of you IN PERSON soon!

JUNE 3, 2020, 10:40 a.m.

We want to get these resources in your hands today as Sunday is quickly approaching! Take a few minutes to listen to the update video below regarding what to expect as we reopen services this weekend, and then check out the full, detailed Reopening PDF. We look forward to worshipping in person with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the weeks ahead!

JUNE 1, 2020, 10:40 a.m

Here's a word from Chris Day this morning, encouraging us to lean into God's word, to trust him, to rejoice, and to steadfastly walk with Jesus wherever he leads.

may 30, 2020, 11:15 a.m.

Here's a word from Matt Mitchell, reminding us of the powerful truth that God is our Father. Praise the Lord for that truth!

may 28, 2020, 8:30 a.m.

If you missed the update video yesterday, here is a short recap.


From your survey responses, we learned two critical things. First, we learned that many of you plan to attend when we reopen in less than two weeks. We’re thankful and excited by this! At the same time, this creates a really good challenge given that we’re committed to practicing social distancing while also providing enough services for everyone to attend. In order to do this, to the right is the service schedule we’ve put together for the month of June. We’re going to provide more logistical details in the days ahead, but for now, here’s the most important one... each of these services will be one hour in length, and we’ll take the interval between each to sanitize the facility and provide enough time for everyone to exit and enter.

The second critical thing we learned from the survey is that there's a substantial diversity of thoughts and feelings about social distancing in our congregation. This means that when we begin to gather again the weekend of June 6, we need to adopt an attitude of sacrifice, humility, and patience toward one another! Of course, this should be the case all the time, but it especially needs to be the case as we start gathering again. Those who don’t think social distancing is important need to be willing to sacrifice for those who do. And those who think it is important need to be patient with those who don’t. Perhaps most of all, we all need to seek to humbly serve one another as Jesus has humbly served us.

We look forward to seeing some of you on June 6/7, and we're thankful that technology allows us to continue worshipping with others of you “virtually” as well!

may 27, 2020, 1:50 p.m.

As promised, here is our update video for the week! Pastor Chris is bringing us some good stories and giving further details about what our reopening plan will look like, beginning in less than two weeks.

In addition to our online Sunday service (which will continue to be streamed at 10 a.m.), we will be holding nine, in-person services as well. This will begin the weekend of June 6, and we anticipate doing this through the month of June. Will you help us keep our church family informed by sharing this with others?


may 25, 2020, 9:55 a.m.

What does it look like to love others, and how do we do that well? Listen to this word from the Carters this morning, and happy Memorial Day, church family!

may 22, 2020, 9:55 a.m.

We’re another week closer to gathering in person again! In light of that, we encourage you to watch our Friday devotional from Christian and Mica Frey. As our face to face interactions, thankfully, continue to increase here in the next few weeks, the Freys are reminding us about the importance of being good listeners as we mirror Christ.

may 21, 2020, 9:10 a.m.
DETAILS FOR merge | a night of worship:

Join us for Merge TONIGHT in the Danville Campus parking lot at 7 p.m.! The reality is that we all have different opinions and levels of comfort with the current environment we find ourselves in! So here are a few things to note about Merge:

1. Please enter the parking lot from Hwy 79, where parking attendants will give you a lyric sheet and direct you on where to park. We’ll have people park in alternating spots. Arrive a little early so we can start at 7!

2. Stay in your parking spot to respect others! Feel free to get out of your car, we just ask that you stay within your spot. In the video, John says they're planning on keeping their kids in the car with some activities while he and Ashley worship.

3. Buildings will be locked, so no restrooms! We will be done by 7:50 p.m.

4. At the end of Merge, we’ll have an opportunity for you to take a brief, socially distant walk-through of the Danville auditorium that Chris told us about yesterday if you're interested!

We can’t wait to worship WITH you tonight, and we’ll see you at 7 p.m.!

May 20, 2020, 11:45 a.M.

First of all, we have been so encouraged by your faithfulness during this season! Thank you, Church!! We ask that you please take 10 minutes to listen to this IMPORTANT update from Pastor Chris Carr. He talks about our reopening plan and two big initiatives happening at Harmony right now. 

In this video, Chris asks everyone to fill out a SURVEY, letting us know your plans to join us when we reopen. After you watch the video, please fill out one survey per family unit at the button above, and share this with other Harmony families so that they can do the same!

May 18, 2020, 12:55 p.M.

Here's Monday's devotional, brought to us by Fort Madison Campus Pastor, Andrew Wiese! Be encouraged and challenged this morning.

May 15, 2020, 11:30 a.M.

Friday's devotional is brought to us by our Burlington Campus pastor, Clay Baker, this week! Give it a listen for some timely, biblical reflection.

May 12, 2020, 4:10 p.M.

We are hopeful that we will be able to begin holding services at our campuses in the relatively near future. Don't miss Tim’s video to hear the latest update concerning this!

May 11, 2020, 8 a.M.

Today's devotional is brought to us by our Global Ministries Pastor, Ty. He challenges us to think about the possible connections we can have with our local neighbors in this time.

May 8, 2020, 10:25 a.M.

For today's devotional video, listen to a word from the Dingeldeins about the kingdom of self vs the kingdom of God!

May 5, 2020, 4:45 p.M.

Our Director of Children's Ministry, Leanne Allen, is bringing us our update video today! She recaps our Communion with Community weekend, gives us more information on our HarmonyKids At Home services we've been producing, previews something very exciting coming this summer, and more. Don't miss this video, and be sure to share it with other Harmony families!

May 4, 2020, 10:30 a.M

Matt Mitchell, bringing us a word of encouragement on this Monday morning. Give it a listen!


May 2, 2020, 8:30 a.M

Three things Harmony wants you to know about today:
1. This devotional video! Andrew and Amy Wiese are bringing us an awesome word this morning; give it a listen!
2. The HarmonyKids “At Home” Service will be posted on our Children’s Ministry page @HARMONYkids - Children's Ministry at Harmony Bible Church in a half hour. Don't miss it!
3. We’re having a variation of “Communion with Community” this weekend! The Kayla’s Cupboard drop off is the “Community” part, happening from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. today! Take your items over to our food pantry at 914 Maple St. in Burlington. Tomorrow during our online service, we’ll do the “Communion” side of things; make sure you have elements on hand so that you’ll be ready to participate!


May 1, 2020, 10:45 a.M

Watch this devotional from our Burlington Campus Pastor as he brings us a word about the ministry of reconciliation!


April 28, 2020, 2:55 p.M

Listen to this update from Pastor Chris Carr as he answers some questions regarding Governor Reynold’s message yesterday. We are working to open our campuses as soon as possible and will keep you updated as we move forward.

He also reminds us about the Kayla’s Cupboard drop off happening this Saturday! This will be a part of our typical “Communion with Community” which we hold on the first Sunday of each month. Have your communion elements ready and we’ll be partaking virtually together during this Sunday’s service!


April 27, 2020, 8:40 A.M.

For our first devotional of this new week, we invite you to listen to this word of encouragement from Chad Davis, our Assistant Pastor of Student Ministries at the Burlington Campus.


April 25, 2020, 8:50 A.M

Check it out! Today’s devotional is from our Fort Madison Campus Assistant Director and Worship Leader, Jeremiah Landon. You don’t want to miss it!


April 24, 2020, 9:35 A.M.

Today's Devotional Video is brought to us by our Danville Campus Worship Leader, Christian Frey. Give it a listen, and be encouraged this morning!


April 21, 2020, 2:10 p.M.

Check out our Tuesday Update Video for some brief updates and announcements! In it, John reminds us about our Facebook Live event happening Thursday evening; you can submit your questions at the following link!


April 20, 2020, 9:35 a.M.

Watch this short devotional from Matt Mitchell as he challenges us to prioritize seeking after Jesus in this new week.


April 18, 2020, 8:25 a.M.

Our Fort Madison Campus Pastor, Andrew Wiese, is bringing us a word of encouragement from the story of Nehemiah this morning! Listen now!


April 17, 2020, 9:50 a.M.

Our Burlington Campus Pastor, Clay Baker, is here this morning, encouraging and challenging us to magnify the Lord.


April 14, 2020, 3:30 p.M.

Our Executive Director of Operations, Tim Svoboda, is giving us
1. An update on attendance and finances
2. A behind the scenes look at things
3. Some updates on projects
4. Reminder of our schedule
5. A challenge!


April 13, 2020, 12:50 p.M.

Listen to our Pastor of Global Ministries, Ty Stafford, as he follows up yesterday's Easter celebration with a challenge and encouragement!


April 12, 2020, 11:30 a.M.

THANK YOU for celebrating with us this morning! Enjoy these Easter greetings from your church family!


April 11, 2020, 8:15 a.M.

Hear a word from our Pastor of Counseling Ministries, Matt Yaley, this morning as we look forward to celebrating Easter with everyone tomorrow!


April 10, 2020, 12:00 P.M.

We've changed our "Campus Pastor Devotional" series to be a "Devotional Video" series instead! Listen to this encouraging word from our Community Pastor, Nathan Williams, as we prepare for our Good Friday service at 7 p.m.


April 7, 2020, 4:30 P.M.

Hear a word from Pastor Chris Carr about our upcoming Easter weekend!

As Pastor Chris mentioned in this video, we want to provide you with some guidance regarding preparing for and partaking in communion during our upcoming Good Friday service.

First, we must remember that communion is reserved for those who are followers of Jesus. If you’ve trusted in what Jesus did for you in his death and resurrection, then we invite and encourage you to participate with us on Friday night. If perhaps you’re not a believer in Jesus or have questions about how you can become one, we encourage you to reach out to one of our pastors this week—they’d love nothing more than to talk with you about this most critical of matters! You can reach our pastors through our website (harmonybiblechurch.org/staff) or by calling our church office.

Second, we encourage you to spend some time preparing your heart before the service. If you will be participating with others in person, perhaps spend a few minutes in prayer and quiet reflection before the service begins. We’ll leave it up to you how best to do this, but make sure you don’t rush into communion. Instead, come with a heart ready to remember and rejoice in what Jesus went through in your place.

Third, you will need to prepare the elements ahead of time! There’s no need to be fancy with this; you’ll just need something to serve as the bread and the cup and juice and pieces of bread will do fine. We encourage you to have these set aside and ready to go when the service starts. We’ll partake in the bread and the cup at different times during the service, so please note that we won’t take them one right after the other.

Fourth, consider how you’ll partake; determine if someone will serve the other members of your group or if each individual will serve themselves. There’s no one right way to do this, but it will be helpful to decide ahead of time how you’re going to do it! Finally, with all the above as guidelines, try not to get focused on “doing it right.” Communion is meant to remind us of God’s grace, and that grace extends to how we partake in the Lord’s Table. So let’s focus instead on Jesus, knowing that as we do, this communion—while different—will still be a very meaningful time for us all.

If this doesn’t answer all of your questions, please feel free to reach out to us via our website, social media, or through the church office. Have a great week Harmony, and we’ll see you on Friday night at 7 p.m.! You can join us at facebook.com/harmonybible or youtube.com/harmonybiblechurch.

April 3–6, 2020


April 1, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

We know Easter will look a little different this year, but we really want you to still be involved! Here’s how you can help. Send us a 10 second video of yourself or your family: 1) Answering the question: Why do you love Easter? OR 2) Giving your Harmony brothers and sisters a Happy Easter shout out!

Send your short video to media@harmonybiblechurch.org or message it to us on Facebook! We may not be able to use them all, but you may also show up in Easter’s service!

Our only direction is to hold your device sideways/horizontal/landscape and to send it in by Sunday night, April 5!

March 31, 2020 at 3:40 p.m.

Watch the video below for a COVID-19 update from our Executive Pastor of Ministries, John DeLuca. We are currently planning to continue with our virtual weekly schedule through the month of April, hoping and praying we can come back together in May. You should still expect to celebrate Easter as a body on April 12, but online! It’s in His resurrection that our hope rests.


March 30, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.


March 29, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.

We are opening up a new EquipU class during this time of not gathering in person, which will be held as a Zoom meeting. Jon Dingeldein will be leading this class and participation will be limited to a certain number of locations. That being said, if both you and your spouse for example want to "attend" together but are able to share a computer, please just register for one of you to allow more people to join! Once you register, you'll receive a confirmation email on how to join the Zoom call.

Certain Joy during Uncertain Times: A Study of Philippians
Wednesday nights, 7–8 p.m. starting April 1. End date TBD.

March 28, 2020 at 9 A.m.


March 27, 2020 at 9 A.m.


If you joined us for the Facebook Live Prayer Night yesterday, at the end we introduced our new “weekly schedule” in our efforts to best connect with and serve you in this time. We start implementing that today with a devotional video from our Burlington Campus Pastor, Clay Baker! Continue to stay connected with us here on our website and on our Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the coming weeks.


March 24, 2020 at 2:40 p.m.

We had hoped that we’d be able to gather sooner rather than later, but that’s not what the Lord has planned for us at this time. All in-person gatherings at our campuses have been suspended through April 10. Watch this video update from Chris to hear what that means for Harmony, to stay informed about the new ways we'll be connecting with you, and to be encouraged from Scripture.



March 24, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.

Stocking the shelves of our food pantry, Kayla’s Cupboard, is something we as a church do on the first Sunday of every month with Communion with Community. Because we won’t have the opportunity to do that this month, we have set up a time where you can drop off your donations directly at Kayla’s Cupboard!

Where: 914 Maple St., Burlington, IA
When: Saturday, March 28 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

We essentially need EVERYTHING right now, but check out the list of suggested items below! Even if it's raining, we'll have a canopy set up where volunteers will be ready to accept your donations as you drive up. Thank you for serving the Lord as you help to feed those in need in our communities.

Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta
Wide Egg Noodles
Canned Chicken & Tuna & Ham
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Pancake Mix & Syrup
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Hamburger - Chicken - Tuna Helpers
Pasta Side Pouches
Canned Soups
Chicken & Beef Ramen
Spaghetti O’s & Ravioli
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Bath & Body Soaps
Paper Products (Kleenex & Toilet Paper)
Hand Sanitizers
Cooler items: milk, eggs, lunch meat, hot dogs, etc.
Freezer items: frozen pizzas, meat, tater tots, waffles, etc.

Watch Sunday Service live on Youtube or Facebook at 10 a.m. on 3/22:

March 18, 2020 at 9:00 A.m.

Join us for our first ever Facebook Live Prayer Night tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. on our Facebook page. Even if you don’t have a personal Facebook account, you can still join the live! Just go to facebook.com/harmonybible. Matt and Olivia Mitchell will be taking and praying for the requests that you submit. You can start submitting requests now in at the button below. We hope you join us on Facebook tomorrow night to lift up our church in prayer together!

March 17, 2020 at 8:20 p.m.


Sunday’s services for March 22/29, 2020 will be held exclusively ONLINE at 10 a.m. You will be able to tune in on Facebook, and Youtube, and our website. Seeing HUNDREDS of you join in all across Southeast Iowa last Sunday was an example of how God and His Church are not limited to the four walls of a church building! We are encouraged by what He’s doing in and despite these current circumstances and pray you are too. We encourage you to worship at home, together with your small group, family, and friends, and consider inviting a neighbor to join you. In a time of uncertainty and fear, we can be a light of gospel hope.

This is also an update to say that Wednesday Nights Activities, including all Student Ministries, will not meet as long as schools are closed. We’ll keep you updated as far as other events/ministries are concerned. All other on-campus activities from now until March 31, 2020 are also canceled, due to Section 3 E of Governor Reynolds issuing of the State of Public Health Disaster Emergency earlier today.

We will continue to assess the situation toward the end of March and keep you informed via our social media accounts and website. We’re doing our best to communicate to everyone, but please, if you know of someone who hasn’t had access to this information, reach out to them!

An exciting thing to tell you about is our first ever Facebook live prayer service. Please join us at 7 p.m. Thursday night. We will be praying for your requests that you submit beforehand on our website, app, or via the phone. Additionally, we will pray for requests that are submitted via Facebook during our live prayer service. We look forward to you praying with us Thursday night!

March 16, 2020 at 12:05 p.m.

As you know, schools will be closed for several weeks, and the Burlington school district is mandated to carry on their feeding program in the community. They have asked Harmony if we would come alongside them in the distribution of food in the coming weeks. This might look like handing out food at the schools or possibly driving to deliver food to families who don’t have transportation. We are putting this on your radar, church family, so that you can think about the extent to which you are able to get involved. Stay connected with us online and we will give you further details as soon as we have them!

March 15, 2020 at 6:55 p.m.

First of all, thank you for your prayers and encouragement over the past several days! It’s been a blessing to see the body of Christ respond in hope to the current events. As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, we are praying, discussing, and listening while we make decisions on how best to be the church.

That being said, all of our on-campus, in-person gatherings are canceled for this week. This includes Student Ministry, Wednesday Night Activities, Celebrate Recovery, MOMs Group. If you’re wondering if this cancelation includes something you’re involved in that isn’t listed above, please contact your ministry leader. A decision will be made by this Friday concerning Sunday worship services for 3/22.

This decision has not been made out of fear, but out of a desire to love our neighbors well by protecting the most vulnerable in our communities. It’s also made in response to the state’s recommendation that Iowans not hold or attend large gatherings—an effort aimed at stopping the spread of the virus.

We will assess the situation on a week-by-week basis and keep you updated on our social media accounts and website. We’re doing our best to communicate to everyone thoroughly, but if you personally know of someone who hasn’t had access to this information, please reach out to them and help us keep them informed!

March 15, 2020 at 12:30 p.m.

We've loved seeing EVERYONE join us in worship this morning! Thank you, Harmony family, for being patient and flexible as we navigate these circumstances. We'll be giving an update concerning our continued response to COVID-19 later today via social media, email, and our mobile app so keep an eye out; for now, know that there will be no student ministry at Burlington tonight. Let's go and live for the Kingdom today!

Watch Sunday Service live on Youtube or Facebook at 10 a.m. on 3/15:

Friday, March 13, 2020 at 2:25 p.m.

Please watch the video below for an update from Chris Carr about how Harmony Bible Church is responding to the Coronavirus.


As we have continued to track developments concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) both locally and globally, and after prayerful consideration and continual consultation with medical and safety professionals, we have decided to suspend in person services this weekend at all of our campuses.

Harmony Bible Church will be meeting exclusively LIVE online this weekend in place of our worship services. We welcome everyone to join us online on YouTube (youtube.com/HarmonyBibleChurch) or Facebook (facebook.com/harmonybible) which will broadcast LIVE Sunday morning, 3/15, at 10 a.m. 

We will continue to provide updates via our website and social media as the situation develops. Once again, let us hold fast to the truth of Philippians 4:6-7 in these anxious days. “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

If you regularly attend Harmony and did not receive the email we sent out a few minutes ago but would like to receive future email updates, please let us know by emailing info@harmonybiblechurch.org

Parent Resources:

Parents: Have Sunday School with your kids at home this week! Just download the “Lifeway Kids” app and look for Volume 5 in the Gospel Project section. For only 99 cents you can access the kids’ Bible story video, family discussion questions, review games, and more! Note: we're on Session 4, Habakkuk the Prophet.

Kids’ lesson info can also be found in the Harmony app; the Bible passage and “Big Picture Interactive Storybook Bible” pages that go with the lesson can be viewed in the 2020 Children’s Ministry reading plan. Download the app by texting “HARMONYBIBLE APP” TO 77977.

We’re thankful for these resources that help us teach our kids, even if we aren’t meeting corporately! Let's use them this week, then continue to use them in the days ahead to disciple our kids at home!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 5:13 p.m.

Harmony family,

Because of the coronavirus, we wanted to reach out to you with information, encouragement, and resources.

Like you, we have been trying to connect to trustworthy information about the virus. This means careful attention to voices from the medical field, as well as the plan and predictions from local, state, and the federal government. We want you to know we are monitoring this to ensure we can make good decisions; if there are any changes to “business as usual," we will inform you accordingly.

We want to encourage you to practice the recommended hand washing and hygiene, and to stay home if you have been recently sick, or have a fever, cough, or other related symptoms. Additionally, amidst everything else we are doing, we should be looking for opportunities to point people to the hope of the gospel. “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but one of power, love and sound judgement” (2 Timothy 1:7). Let’s live out the reality of that verse in these days.

Please be aware of the resources that are available through The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (cdc.gov/)

Finally, as a spiritual family, let us hold fast to the truth of Philippians 4:6-7 in these anxious days. “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”


Sundays - 10 AM CST