
1. Why did Paul want to meet with the Jewish leaders if the church already existed in Rome?
2. How is Acts both heartbreaking and triumphant?
3. How do we know the gospel is unstoppable?
4. What do you need to do to live SENT?


1. Everyone watched Paul and the example he set for others to follow. How could we make disciples by setting an example for others to follow us? Think about ways you could invite someone to come along side you in your ministry and learn from your example.

2. Being bold in sharing our faith can be a scary thing. How did Paul overcome this fear? What action step(s) are you ready to take to conquer your fear and become bolder in sharing your faith?

3. What are the two things that Paul emphasized when he presented the gospel (verse21)? Think about ways you can incorporate these two things, when you share the gospel, in a loving way.

4. Paul said that he was innocent of the blood of all (verse 26). Why was he able to say this? How could this mindset help motivate us to be bolder in sharing our faith?


  1. What practices do you need to confess or divulge?

  2. How have you seen God working to transform you/others?

  3. What parts of our culture would you like to see transformed?

  4. Why is the gospel necessary for meaningful cultural transformation?


1. Can you identify with any of the reasons Paul is struggling with fear and discouragement in Acts 18? If so, which ones?

2. Do you have Christians in your life whom you would consider “gospel partners”? If not, what steps can you take to find some?

3. Which of the three assurances (or promises) Jesus makes to Paul in Acts 18:10 resonate the most with you? Which one do you need to hear the most right now?


1. Do you find yourself provoked by the idolatry in our world? If not, why do think this is the case?

2. What do you find difficult about evangelism? What can you learn from Acts 17 to help with these difficulties?

3. Do you think your view of God is too small? What can you do to grow in your appreciation of God and the gospel’s greatness?

4. Are there other things you can do to grow in your ability to share the gospel?


1. Are you listening for your Macedonian Call? Where and/or to whom may God be sending you to share the gospel?

2. Do you find it difficult to worship in the midst of suffering? What lessons can you learn from Acts 16 to help you do so?

3. Have you experienced God’s grace? What can you do to experience it more deeply and make it more the center of your life


1. Discuss what legalism is and how you’ve been impacted by it.

2. Pastor Chris said that we all drift towards legalism. How is this case for you? How do you do battle against this tendency?

3. How can the fact that Jesus has made us pleasing in God’s sight impact the way you view your relationship with God? How can it impact the way you live your life?

4. How can you express your freedom in Christ in a way that serves others instead of yourself?


1. We see from Acts 14:4 that the Gospel is divisive.  Why do you think the people of Iconium were divided?  What are some ways that you have seen the gospel cause divisions in our society, our local community or even in our families?

2.  What is the main difference between the healing of the lame man in Acts 3 and the healing of the lame man in Acts 14?  How might this help prepare us to better share the gospel?

3.  Read 2 Tim. 3:12.   Is desiring to live a godly life something that you are willing to explore, considering the consequences?  If so, talk about a couple of action steps that might help you to become a more bold representative of the King.

4.  Read Acts 14:22.  How can the thought of facing tribulations be of encouragement to you?


1) Our entire Acts Series is entitled “Sent.” How does Acts chapter 13 embody this theme?
2) Name some reasons why the church at Antioch was a healthy church? What similarities does Harmony have to the church at Antioch? In what ways does Harmony still need to grow?
3) What is the connection between prayer and mission in Acts 13? Why is this so important? What was the outcome?
4) Spend the last part of your time praying together.


1) What do we learn about the importance of prayer (specifically corporate prayer) in Acts 12? Why do we often fail to pray like the early church did?
2) Do you ever find yourself becoming cynical about the church and/or Christianity? If so, did you find anything in this week’s message that can help you overcome this?
3) How might God be calling you to partner in the gospel in a greater way?


1) Describe the different ways we see God at work directing the events in this passage. How is the Holy Spirit at work in every detail?
2) There was major division between Jews and Gentiles. What can we learn from this passage when it comes to major divisions we see in our current culture?
3) Discuss why some of the believers in Jerusalem respond to Peter's interaction with the Gentiles the way they do (see Acts 11:1-3). Reflect on your own life and experiences. Is there or has there been anyone you have been unwilling or uncomfortable being with? If so, why?
4) Despite Peter's initial resistance and confusion concerning God's leading, Peter obeyed and God was glorified. What is an area in your life that you may be resisting God's leading and how can your brothers and sisters spur you on in obedience?


1) What about Saul’s conversion story stands out the most to you?
2) Do you have a friend or family member that seems too hardened to Jesus to ever be saved? Discuss and pray for them with your group.
3) What makes Jesus beautiful to you?
4) What disciplines can you initiate or increase in your life to help you to look at Jesus more?


1) Describe Phillip’s attitude toward God. Why do you think God chose to use Philip in this story?

2) Describe the Ethiopian Eunuch’s attitude toward Philip. How was God at work in the Ethiopian’s life before, during and after his exchange with Philip? 

3) What are some common reasons Christian’s do not step out and share their faith with others? Personally, what holds you back the most? 

4) What is your next step in equipping yourself for sharing your faith with others?


1) Have you ever considered that God has you where you are right now because he wants you to bear fruit in that place for him? How might you go about doing so?
2) Discuss how the gospel is the cure for racial conflict.
3) Take some time to discuss John 12:24-26. In what ways do you believe God is calling you to die so that others might live?


1) Discuss what it means to be gospel-saturated and how you can become so.
2) How does the gospel produce humility in our lives?
3) What does it mean to do justice?
4) How does God’s kindness (steadfast love or mercy) to us motivate us to show kindness to others?



1) Why is baptism important?
2) What does baptism illustrate?
3) What is union with Christ?
4) Why have you or haven’t you been baptized?


1) Discuss how Jesus is the trailblazer (or founder) of our faith (see Hebrews 12:2).
2) Why do we need a trailblazer in order to be saved?
3) What stands out the most to you about the Apostle’s courage here in Acts 5?
4) Why are we so suffering-averse today?
5) What are some of the benefits of suffering for Jesus (see Phillipians 3:8-11)?
6) Is Jesus beautiful (precious) to you? What can you do to see him become more beautiful in your life?


1. How does trusting in God’s sovereignty help us in times like we are currently in? Consider how it helped the church in Acts 4 and also Romans 8:28-29.
2. How should the mission Jesus gave us shape our prayer lives?
3. Does your commitment to the church look like what is modeled for us in Acts? If not, what changes do you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you to make?


1. What is the cornerstone of your life? IOW, what are you building your life on?
2. “Jesus is the only way” is considered to be a very exclusive and offensive belief today. Discuss how that is the case but how at the same time it is inclusively exclusive.
3. Are you spending regular time with Jesus? If not, why not?


1. Read Isaiah 35. How does the fact that Luke (the author of Acts) references and brings to mind Isaiah 35 help provide a clearer meaning to this passage and the main emphasis of the miracle?
2. In the sermon today, there were seven descriptions of who Jesus is that were shared. Which of these descriptions stood out the most to you and why? How do these descriptions broaden your understanding of who Jesus is?
3. Discuss the two application points: Devote yourself to Jesus, and be His witnesses. What is one simple and practical way you can apply these to your life this week?


1. Pastor Chris challenged us not to waste our pandemic, but rather to use it to reset our lives and priorities. What might this look like for you?

2. What would it look like for you to become more devoted to worship, community, and mission? What (apart from the pandemic) is hindering you from giving yourself to these things?


1) Have you ever been “cut to the heart?” If so, what was that experience like? What happened as a result?

2) What can we learn about witnessing from Peter’s sermon in Acts 2? How can you imitate Peter in witnessing to others?

3) Who are one or two people that you desire to come to know Jesus? Use the end of your time to pray for these individuals and that God would open up opportunities for them to hear and respond to the gospel. 


My Witnesses, Acts 1:1–11—Pastor Chris Carr


Sundays - 10 AM CST