
1. Before this message, did you realize you were sent?

2. What are some things that keep us from living on mission?

3. Read Romans 3:10-18 and discuss how it applies to you. Then read Romans 3:21-26 and discuss how it applies to you.

4. Discuss how God’s grace motivates us to live on mission.


1. Why do you believe so many Christians seem to believe (or at least live) as if the NT “one anothers” are optional?

2. Why do we struggle to live in community with other believers?

3. What are some requirements or characteristics for experiencing true Biblical community?

4. How does keeping Jesus’ imminent return in mind help us to see the need for community?

5. What habits regarding community do you need to form? Break?


1. Discuss how the human body is a metaphor or model for the church.

2. How does someone become a member of the universal church?

3. Why is being committed to a local church important?

4. Why is being connected in a local church important?

5. How can you grow in your love for the church?


1. Discuss the ways in which you are currently immersing yourself in the gospel (see Colossians 3:16).

2. How does corporate (gathered) worship fuel all of life (scattered) worship?

3. How is the gospel, or how should the gospel be central to corporate worship?

4. Discuss the importance of humility in corporate worship. Why do we have such a difficult time with this?


1. Take some time to reflect on the Gospel and share some specific things you are thankful for in regard to it.

2. Why do we find giving ourselves as “a living sacrifice” so difficult? How can the gospel help us to overcome this difficulty?

3. How do you find the world seeking to shape you into its mold? Are there changes you need to make to play defense against the world’s efforts to conform you?

4. What steps do you need to take to immerse yourself in the gospel more? Is there anything you need to do to become more involved in worship, community, and mission?

Sundays - 10 AM CST